Cookiebot Consent Management Platform (CMP) provides an easy to use and fully automated cookie banner for WordPress sites. It enables compliance with the GDPR, DMA, LGPD, CCPA and other privacy regulations. It also helps build trust with website visitors by giving them more control over their personal data.
Cookiebot CMP es uno de los pocos plugins de consentimiento de cookies en WordPress que se integra con Google Tag Manager y Google Consent Mode para obtener datos de la máxima calidad y conforme a la ley. Es altamente personalizable, fácil de implementar y te permite automatizar la obtención y señalización de consentimientos de usuarios acordes a la ley en tus sitios web. Cookiebot CMP usa la mejor tecnología de escaneo para detectar y controlar todas las cookies y rastreadores de tu sitio web minimizando el riesgo de incumplimiento.
Cookiebot CMP and the WordPress Plugin are designed to be used by both technical and non-technical teams that value automation and reliable scalability.
💫 Altamente personalizable
Customize your WordPress cookie banner to match your site design and optimize user experience. Enable visitors to opt in or out of individual cookie categories.
🚀 Escaneo de cookies automatizado
Employ regular automated scanning to detect and update cookies and tracking technologies in use on your website to keep notifications and compliance up to date.
🌟 Política de cookies automática
Create your cookie policy effortlessly. Publish our automatically updated cookie declaration on your privacy page.
Your cookie policy will remain detailed and accurate at all times. Visitors stay informed about your cookie use as required by data privacy laws, and can make better data privacy choices.
✅ Integración con el Modo de Consentimiento de Google
Keep running EU advertising campaigns with the seamless Google Consent Mode integration. Collect valid user consent that’s signaled to Google Ads and Google Analytics to ensure continued conversion tracking and analytics optimization.
⚡ Bloqueo de cookies automático
Automatically block cookies and trackers until user consent is obtained.
🌎 Cumplimiento con las leyes y marcos regulatorios
Our WordPress cookie banner enables you to comply with the following regulations and frameworks:
- DMA (UE)
- ePrivacy Directive (EU)
- LGPD (Brasil)
- POPIA (Sudáfrica)
- CCPA y CPRA (California)
- VCDPA (Virginia)
- TCF v2.2 (UE)
🇺🇸 Configuración para el cumplimiento de la CCPA y la CPRA
Para cumplir con la CCPA y la CPRA, añade un link de “No Vender ni Compartir mi Información Personal” a la declaración de la política de cookies.
🔗Integración sencilla con plataformas de CMS
Cookiebot CMP puede integrarse fácilmente con las plataformas de CMS más populares, como WordPress, Shopify, Drupal, Adobe Experience Manager y otras.
🟠 Widget de consentimiento
Enable visitors to update their consent with our user-friendly widget.
🔒 Almacenamiento de datas seguro
Almacena de forma segura el consentimiento obtenido en nuestro espacio en la nube, con servidores ubicados en la UE.
📥 Opción de descarga de datos
Cumple con las peticiones de acceso de sujetos de datos (DSAR, por sus siglas en inglés) proveyendo una opción de descarga de la información de consentimiento del usuario.
💬 Supports 47+ languages
Display the cookie banner and cookie policy in localized languages to users from all over the world for clarity and better user experience.
CMP certificada por Google
Ensure that you can continue serving ads to users in the European Union, European Economic Area, or the UK with Cookiebot CMP. Cookiebot’s™ consent solution has been assessed and certified by Google against certification criteria focused on compliance with the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). Learn more.
Soporte y actualizaciones
Nuestro Equipo de Producto gestiona y actualiza regularmente el plugin de Cookiebot CMP para ayudarte a que el sitio web de tu negocio cumpla con las regulaciones en todo momento.
Si tienes dudas o necesitas ayuda con el banner de cookies, visita nuestro Centro de asistencia y soporte o contáctanos.
Copyright y marcas registradas
Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics es una marca registrada de Usercentrics A/S.
Sobre Cookiebot™ y Usercentrics
En septiembre del 2021, Cybot (dueña de Cookiebot CMP) y Usercentrics unieron sus fuerzas para crear una poderosa herramienta global para proveer soluciones que ayuden a las empresas a cumplir con las normativas de privacidad, proteger la privacidad de datos de sus usuarios y continuar a obtener los datos que necesitan en sus operaciones de marketing. El resultado de la fusión se conoce ahora como Usercentrics.
Usercentrics is a global market leader in the field of consent management and preference management solutions. We enable businesses to collect, manage and document user consent on websites, apps and connected platforms in order to achieve full compliance with global privacy regulations while facilitating high consent rates and building trust with their customers.
Our consent technology is trusted by public and private organizations in over 180 countries, in use on over 1.4 million websites.
Learn more about Cookiebot CMP
Learn more about Usercentrics
Copyright y marcas registradas
Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics es una marca registrada de Usercentrics A/S.
Set up the Cookiebot CMP plugin using our easy-to-navigate dashboard Automatically block cookies and trackers until user consent is given Easily set a Google Tag Manager ID on your site Activate Google Consent Mode to measure conversions and collect data Enable the IAB TCF v2.0 on your website with a single click Set up multiple configurations to enable compliance with two or more privacy regulations at once (e.g. GDPR and CCPA) Visit our extensive Help Center or contact us for assistance
This plugin provides 1 block.
- Cookie Declaration
Visualiza el vídeo para descubrir cómo instalar el plugin de WordPress de Cookiebot CMP, ¡es súper fácil! O consulta nuestra guía de instalación paso por paso (en inglés).
¿Necesitas ayuda? Visita nuestro Centro de asistencia y soporte o contáctanos.
Cookiebot CMP WordPress Plugin is a freemium plugin, much like Jetpack and Monsterinsights. Cookiebot™ also has a Free Plan option.
Si te es suficiente con un plan gratuito o necesitas uno premium depende de dos factores:
The size of your website, i.e. the number of subpages on your website, which determines whether you are eligible for the Free Plan. For websites up to 50 subpages, you have the choice between the Free Plan and Premium Lite. Get a quote to see which plan your site needs.
The features you need. The free plan does not include all features available in the premium plans. The free plan does not include customization of banner and cookies declaration, multiple languages, email reports, data export, geolocation, bulk consent, consent statistics, internal domain alias for development, test and staging. However, our Premium Lite package is available for only €7/month for all domains with fewer than 50 subpages, including all premium features mentioned above.
When you sign up for Cookiebot CMP, you will automatically be enrolled in our free 14-day trial for one domain. During the trial, you will have access to all premium features of the Cookiebot CMP.
See all details of Cookiebot CMP plans and pricing.
The Premium Lite package comes with great features that enhance your cookie consent solution. Upgrading to Premium Lite after your 14-day free trial enables you to build user trust and provide an advanced, personalized user experience. Apply custom branding and geotargeting to your banner, among other features. It also gives you more control over your WordPress website’s privacy compliance with the automated monthly and daily scan reports.
Tu plan de precios depende del número de subpáginas que Cookiebot CMP detecta en tu sitio web.
Cookiebot™ does not count image files as subpages, which could set users to a higher subscription plan. Depending on your theme, WordPress may automatically create real pages for content placed in your media library, called Attachment pages. Because these pages can contain online trackers, Cookiebot CMP includes them in your page count.
Para desactivar la característica de páginas de adjuntos en WordPress, por favor, consulta las siguientes guías: -
Cookiebot CMP includes an automatically updated cookie declaration for the cookies in use on your site.
By implementing it, you can ensure that your cookie declaration is detailed and accurate at all times, as required by the GDPR. Also, the declaration automatically provides the mandatory options for the user to be able to change or withdraw consent.
For CCPA and CPRA compliance, businesses will be able to display the required “Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information” link on their cookie declaration.
To display your cookie declaration, create a new page on your website and add the shortcode to the page that’s provided by the plugin: [cookie_declaration]. Alternatively, you can incorporate it into your existing Privacy Policy.
By default, the cookie declaration is displayed in the selected Cookiebot CMP language. You are able to override this setting with a “lang” attribute in the shortcode, e.g.: [cookie_declaration lang=”de”] for a German version. Remember to add all languages used in the Cookiebot CMP Admin Interface.
Si tienes dudas sobre qué cookies se están usando en tu sitio, puedes empezar con nuestro test de cumplimiento gratuito:
The test scans up to five pages of your website and sends you a complete report of the cookies and online trackers in use on these pages, including information on their provenance, purpose, and whether or not their use is compliant with EU regulations.
Si quieres una visión completa de las cookies y rastreadores online en tu sitio web, date de alta en la solución de Cookiebot CMP.
Here is our step by step guide on how to set up your cookie banner.
Cookiebot CMP dispone de dos modos para bloquear las cookies y los rastreadores antes de que se otorgue el consentimiento.
- Cookie auto-blocking mode will automatically block all cookies (except for ‘strictly necessary’ cookies) until a user has given consent. Learn more about the cookie auto-blocking mode.
- Cookie manual-blocking mode requests manual adjustments to the cookie-setting scripts. Read more about the cookie manual-blocking mode.
¿Qué son el RGPD y la Directiva ePrivacy?
The GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation, an EU data privacy law enforced since May 2018. It protects EU citizens’ personal data globally and affects all organizations and websites that handle such data. If you have a website with users from the EU, and if your website uses cookies (it probably does), then you need to make your use of cookies and tracking compliant with the GDPR and obtain user consent.
Consulta la página del RGPD para más información, o la infografía de la UE para empresas: Protección de Datos, Mejores normas para las pequeñas empresas.
The ePrivacy Directive is another EU legal instrument that specifically aims to protect EU citizens’ online data, including that from electronic communications. It is in the process of becoming a full regulation like the GDPR.
¿Qué son la CCPA y la CPRA?
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state-wide law that regulates how businesses all over the world are permitted to handle the personal information of California residents. Starting from January 1, 2023 the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) comes into effect, amending and extending the CCPA.
You are required to comply with the CCPA if your business:
- sells the personal information of more than 50,000 California residents per year (increased to 100,000 under the CPRA as of January 1st, 2023)
- as annual gross revenue exceeding USD 25 million
- derives more than 50 percent of annual revenue from the selling of personal information of California residents
Bajo la CPRA, aunque el umbral de usuarios ha aumentado, se regula tanto la venta como la compartición de datos personales. Las cookies y otras tecnologías de seguimiento han pasado a ser consideradas identificadores únicos y, por ende, información personal bajo la definición de la CCPA.
If your business has a website, you must know and disclose to consumers, at or before the point of collection, the data you collect, via what cookies or other mechanisms, and which third parties you share it with. This can be done through the Cookiebot CMP cookie declaration that also features the required “Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information” link, so end users can opt out of having their data sold or shared.
If your website is visited by consumers under the age of 16, or you collect sensitive personal information, you are required by the CCPA and CPRA to first obtain their opt in (or consent from a parent or guardian for children). This can be done through Cookiebot CMP’s CCPA opt-in banner.
Click here to find all the details about the CCPA and CPRA and how to achieve compliance.
Si tu plugin favorito no soporta Cookiebot CMP, estás invitado a pedir al desarrollador que añada un soporte para ello.
Send an email to the plugin developer you want to support Cookiebot™ and request that support for Cookiebot CMP be added. Cookiebot™ provides a helper function to check if there is an active, working version of Cookiebot CMP on the website.
The easiest way for a developer to implement Cookiebot CMP support is to add a check where tags are outputted to the visitor. This can be done following way:
$scriptTag = ‘‘;
if(function_exists(‘cookiebot_active’) && cookiebot_active()) {
$scriptTag = ‘<script’.cookiebot_assist(‘statistics’).’>’;
}El desarrollador del plugin puede ver más detalles en nuestro repositorio de Github.
If you use our plugin version 3.0 or later and choose the automatic implementation, Cookiebot™ enables compliance with the prior consent requirement of the GDPR, the ePrivacy Directive (ePD) and similar privacy regulations for protection of user data around the world. Cookiebot CMP also enables compliance with the CCPA and CPRA through the implementation of the “Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information” link on a website’s cookie declaration, as well as the opt-in banner required if your website targets visitors under the age of 16 or processes sensitive personal information.
The default consent banner has the strictest settings possible and is suitable for obtaining consent under both the GDPR and the ePD. Make sure to adapt the consent banner design and content to fit your website. Check out our GDPR checklist if you have website visitors from the EU. If you are using server-side cookies, please check the Server-side usage guide.
Be aware that Cookiebot CMP is customizable, and therefore true compliance always depends on the settings that you make within the plugin and Cookiebot CMP Admin Interface.
Are you using the manual implementation? Please make sure to check if you are using plugins that set cookies that require consent. If so, you have to:
1. Ask the plugin developers if they are planning on becoming GDPR/CCPA compliant, or if they would like to integrate with Cookiebot CMP. Check out our Github repository, where we are developing integrations for Cookiebot CMP, until the plugin developers choose to do this themselves, or if WP Core enables such functionality.
2. Once Cookiebot CMP is installed, you can check the cookie report to identify all cookies being set on your website. If the cookies are coming from content that you have inserted manually, you can mark up that content as described in step 4 in our manual implementation guide. Embedded videos and iframes which that set cookies can be marked up as explained in our iframe cookie consent with YouTube example.Disclaimer: These statements do not constitute legal advice, but only serve to support and inform you about the Cookiebot CMP product. Please consult a qualified lawyer should you have any legal questions.
Cookiebot™ works with GTM. There are two different options for setting up GTM with Cookiebot CMP:
Use the Google Tag Manager option in the plugin settings to enable GTM with Cookiebot. Here you also have the option to enable Google Consent Mode for GTM.
Add the GTM script manually or by using another plugin for your site. Should you choose one of these methods, Cookiebot CMP must not be implemented using GTM as this would result in Cookiebot being loaded twice.
If you prefer the latter method, you should select Hide Cookie Popup in the Cookiebot CMP WordPress Plugin settings.
Puedes consultar nuestro artículo sobre cómo implementar Cookiebot con GTM (en inglés).
El Modo de Consentimiento de Google es una API abierta que permite a tu sitio web usar todos los servicios de Google, como Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, y Google Ads, en función del consentimiento del usuario final. Te ayuda a sacar lo mejor de los datos y consentimientos de los visitantes. Además, señaliza el estado del consentimiento de los usuarios de tu sitio web a los servicios de Google automáticamente.
El Modo de Consentimiento de Google está activado por defecto en el plugin de Cookiebot CMP.
Más información -
¿Qué es la Ley de Mercados Digitales (DMA)?
The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a regulatory framework introduced by the European Commission to regulate digital markets and address challenges to data privacy and the dominance of online tech giants. The law aims to ensure fair competition, enhance consumer protection, and promote innovation in the digital ecosystem. The DMA will have a significant impact on how large online platforms and the smaller third parties that use their services handle user consent and data. Learn more.
¿A quién se aplica la Ley de Mercados Digitales?
The DMA applies to companies that operate large online platforms meeting specific criteria, such as having a significant impact on digital markets, acting as intermediaries between businesses and users, and enjoying a durable position of market power with significant influence over innovation. The DMA has designated these companies as “gatekeepers”. These platforms will be subject to enhanced regulatory obligations and scrutiny under the DMA. The DMA’s requirements protect online users in the European Union, European Economic Area, and the UK. The DMA does not apply outside of these areas, even though the currently designated gatekeeper companies are headquartered in the USA and China.
Los seis guardianes de acceso nominados por la Comisión Europea son:
- Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp)
- Alphabet (Google, YouTube, Android)
- ByteDance (TikTok)
- Apple (iOS, Safari)
- Amazon
- Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp)
A pesar de que la DMA se aplica a estos guardianes de acceso, las empresas más pequeñas también deben estar al tanto y entender la ley, ya que impacta directamente en cómo usan las grandes plataformas y servicios online propiedad de estos guardianes de acceso. Los propietarios de las empresas serán los responsables de seguir las normas de cumplimiento impuestas por los servicios digitales de, por ejemplo, Google o Amazon.
Cookiebot™ is fully integrated with the WP Consent API. When your visitors give consent using Cookiebot CMP, the consent will automatically be sent to the WP Consent API.
You can define the mapping between Cookiebot™ and the WP Consent API in the administration interface (Cookiebot WP plugin).
Cookiebot CMP is compatible with translation plugins when you set language to Use WordPress Language.
Los add-ons son herramientas creadas por una comunidad de desarrolladores de código abierto. Te ayudan a implementar opciones de rechazo para cookies y rastreadores instalados por plugins que no disponen de funcionalidades de consentimiento intrínsecas. Los add-ons envían la opción de consentimiento del usuario a estos plugins. Se pueden usar al mismo tiempo que el plugin de Cookiebot CMP.
Por favor, note que no nos hacemos responsables del uso de los add-ons, ya que no los desarrollamos desde nuestro equipo ni están bajo nuestro control. En ocasiones, el add-on puede no funcionar correctamente hasta que se haya actualizado para adaptarse a los cambios en el plugin al que se enlaza.
Si tu plugin favorito no es compatible, no te preocupes, pídelo en nuestra página de GitHub.
Contributors & Developers
“Plugin de banner de cookies para WordPress – Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Contributors“Plugin de banner de cookies para WordPress – Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics” has been translated into 16 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Cookiebot CMP Plugin will soon no longer support PHP 5. If your website still runs on this version we recommend upgrading so you can continue enjoying the features Cookiebot CMP offers.
Release date: January 30th 2025
Cookiebot CMP version 4.4.1 is out! This release adds some minor content update.
- Adds information CTAs for initial setup
- Updates wrong parameter sent on create account button
Release date: January 28th 2025
Cookiebot CMP version 4.4.0 is out! This release adds a new navigability and some bugfixes.
What’s new
- New navigability for legacy and new users
- Fix content showing on options page before loading
- Fix GTM GCM script type on manual blocking
Release date: December 2nd 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.12 is out! This release adds a bugfix and some minor content updates.
- Fix notice appearing on textdomain early load
- Adds implementation parameter to Cookiebot script
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.7.1
- Minor content updates
Release date: November 20th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.11 is out! This release adds a bugfix and some minor content updates.
- Fix plugin content showing due to blocked resources
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.7
- Add temporary content
Release date: October 9th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.10 is out! This release adds some improvements to the vendor selection and bugfix.
What’s new
- Adds vendor select all and deselect all buttons for TCF and external vendors lists
- Fix deliver of TCF version on script attribute
Release date: September 12th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version is out! This release updates some assets.
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.6.2
- Assets update
Release date: May 29th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.9 is out! This release adds a bugfix and small features. Here is the complete list of this update
- Fix deliver of blocking mode setting on multisite environment
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.5.3
- Updates notices logic
- Readme update
Release date: May 2nd 2024
This release updates readme content and WordPress supported version.
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.5.2
- Readme update
Release date: March 6th 2024
This release adds bugfixes. Here is the complete list of this update
- Fix warning showing if purpose value is not of the right type
Release date: March 6th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.7 is out! This release adds bugfixes and small features. Here is the complete list of this update
What’s new
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.4.3
- Add ignore parameter to inline scripts associated to ignored scripts Props: @jaakkolehtonen
- Fix fatal error when no purposes added to restrictions
Release date: February 28th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.6 is out! This release adds small features to the plugin. Here is the complete list of this update
- Add TCF script settings into the debug info
- Add message if IAB vendor list is offline
- Update translations
Release date: February 14th 2024
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.5 is out! This release adds custom settings to the TCF integration and removes the TCF version selector. Here is the complete list of this update
What’s new
- Add TCF integration custom settings
- Removes TCF version selector
- Update translations
Release date: November 30th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.4 is out! This release adds Google Consent Mode v2 support and updates content. Here is the complete list of this update
What’s new
- Google Consent Mode v2 support
- Removes temporal banner
- Update readme content
Release date: November 15th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.3 is out! This release updates content and adds some bugfixes. Here is the complete list of this update
What’s new
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.4.1
- Fix setting consent type on server side WP Consent API
- Update script loading order
- Adds temporal banner
- Update readme content
Release date: October 26th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.2 is out! This release updates the readme content and adds some bugfixes. Here is the complete list of this update
What’s new
- Addon recognition between WPForms lite and pro versions
- Fix while creating a cookie with deny value for WP Consent API
- Update readme content
- Update some CTA urls
Release date: September 26th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3.1 is out! Here is the complete list of this update:
- URL passthrough always enabled by default
Release date: September 12th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.3 is out! This release adds the new IAB TCF 2.2 framework support. Here is the complete list of this update:
What’s new
- TCF 2.2 framework support and migration switch.
- New WP Consent API translations
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.3.1
- Update debug info content
- PHP 5 support notice
Release date: August 23th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.2.14 is out! This release fixes an error when using WP Rocket and Facebook for Woocommerce with Cookiebot and adds some features. Here is the complete list of this update:
What’s new
- WP Consent API cookie category mapping new UI
- Set banner and cookie declaration language using the website locale option
- Set WordPress tested up to version to 6.3
- Fix fatal error when Facebook for Woocommerce addon is enabled and WP Rocket plugin is active.
- Addons updates due to new plugins versions
- Translation updates
- Minor style changes
Release date: August 7th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.2.13 is out! This release fixes a bug on the ignored scripts feature and updates the content. Here is the complete list of this update:
- Ignore scripts bug excluding script handlers
- Content update
Release date: July 4th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.2.12 is out! This release updates Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode script implementation. Here is the complete list of this update:
What’s new
- Allow select cookie categories for Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode on manual blocking mode
- Add new ES languages support
- Add optional debug consent on deactivation survey
Release date: June 7th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.2.11 is out! This release fix a incompatibility issue with Slider Revolution plugin and updates Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode script implementation. Here is the complete list of this update:
What’s new
- Update GTM and GCM script implementation
- Add exception to self-hosted audio files on Embed Autocorrect Addon
- Incompatibility issue with Slider Revolution plugin
- Placeholder text out of place when Jetpack addon is active
- Change scripts loading order
- Minor style changes
Release date: May 25th 2023
Cookiebot CMP version 4.2.10 is out! Now our plugin supports the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) and you can add more banners settings on Multiple configurations tab. Here is the complete list of this update:
What’s new
- New option to add more banners on Multiple configurations
- Added support for the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)
- Feedback survey
- Update compatibility with Official Meta Pixel Plugin
- Tooltips blinking on cursor position
- Change plugin admin urls argument build
- Change medium to referral on external links
- Minor style changes
4.2.9 – 2023-04-25
- Code audit
- Update readme description
- Update templates links URLs Props: @chesio
- Update translations
- Fix multiple configuration bug
- Fix notice close link
- Fix french typo Props: @DevKylian
4.2.8 – 2023-04-05
- Code audit
- Fix for WordPress 6.2 compatibility
4.2.7 – 2023-03-07
- Update readme description
- Fix placeholder issue on custom content
4.2.6 – 2023-02-23
- Fix review recommendation trigger
4.2.5 – 2023-02-23
- Add translations Russian, Polish and Czech
- Update CMP on WP admin and URL passthrough disabled by default
- Update description readme.txt
- Update German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese translations
- Update minor style changes
- Fix Network settings page only on network plugin activation
4.2.4 – 2023-01-23
- Add review card on dashboard
- Add settings quick access link on plugins page list
- Add translations German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
- Update Auto blocking mode guide url
- Fix “Undefined index: tab” warning
- Fix Wrong label on Url passthrough input on first load
- Fix Menu links url on multisite
4.2.3 – 2022-12-21
- Allow disabling URL passthrough when Google Consent Mode is activated
4.2.2 – 2022-12-05
- Resources delivery on subfolders environments fix Props: fritzprod
- Fix security issue – remove possible vulnerable files Props: ajaffri
4.2.1 – 2022-12-02
- PHP 5.6 compatibility fix
- Code formatting update
4.2.0 – 2022-11-28
- Added new UI design
- Added multiple configurations
- Fixed PHP8 warnings when saving network settings.
- Activate Google Consent Mode by default
4.1.1 – 2022-07-01
- Fixed undefined variable src when using instagram embed
4.1.0 – 2022-06-15
- Added setting to ignore scripts from cookiebot scan
- Fixed PHP8 warnings
- Fixed attribute builder function for scripts
- Fixed blocking cookiebot script when editing theme
4.0.3 – 2022-02-23
- Fixed wp-rocket not ignoring cookiebot script
- Fixed including gtm and gtc scripts when the setting was unchecked
- Updated addon to support latest version of CAOS
4.0.2 – 2022-01-20
- Fixed missing dir path for require_once
4.0.1 – 2022-01-20
- Fixed missing file
4.0.0 – 2022-01-20
- Added support for SEOPress
- Updated code structure to improve maintainability
- Replaced filters & function names. Check GitHub upgrade guide for more information about deprecations and breaking changes.
3.11.3 – 2021-11-25
- Updated tests for add-to-any plugin version >= 1.8.2
- Added support for blocking the new script handles for add-to-any plugin version >= 1.8.2
3.11.2 – 2021-11-17
- Updated CookieBot logo on settings page + network settings page
3.11.1 – 2021-09-22
- Fixed unescaped PHP output
- Updated some translations
3.11.0 – 2021-07-16
- Removed PHP-DI
- Fixed number of arguments in the settings-service-interface.php get_placeholder method signature
- Added custom container class to manage dependencies
- Added support for the Matomo Analytics plugin
Added support for WP Google Analytics Events
3.10.1 – 2021-04-29
- Added support for translating ‘marketing’, ‘statistics’, and ‘preferences’
- Allow cookies for same domain embedded content
3.10.0 – 2021-03-22
- Added support for translating the settings pages
- Added support for Enfold theme
- Added support for ExactMetrics
- Added support for Gutenberg Embed blocks
- Added support for newer version of Custom Facebook Feed
- Added support for newer version of Add To Any
- Fixed prior consent language bug
- Fixed embedding twitter
- Fixed multisite settings
- Prefixed the composer dependencies with Mozart
3.9.0 – 2020-10-20
- Added support for Google Tag Manager and Google Consent Mode
- Added gtag TCF support
- Added WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro addon
- Support for enabling Cookiebot in administration
3.8.0 – 2020-09-07
- New addon for Official Facebook Pixel plugin
- Fixes and improvements
3.7.1 – 2020-07-08
- Fix “wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly” notice
3.7.0 – 2020-07-06
- Adding CCPA feature
- Adding Gutenberg Cookie Declaration block for editor
3.6.6 – 2020-06-16
- Fix through addon for Lightspeed Cache
- Added addon for Enchanged Ecommerce for WooCommerce
- Added addon for Simple Share Buttons
3.6.5 – 2020-05-19
- Adding fix for SG Optimizer
- Add support for latest version of Facebook for Woocommerce addon
3.6.3 – 2020-04-30
- Adding support for default enabled addons
- Added filter tp addon list
3.6.2 – 2020-04-22
- Adding WP Rocket addon
- Adding WP Mautic addon
3.6.1 – 2020-03-12
- Fix security issue – possible XSS
- Update tests for addons
3.6.0 – 2020-02-18
- Adding Debugging submenu
- Update GADWP addon to support newest version of plugin
3.5.0 – 2020-02-10
- Adding integration with WP Consent API
3.4.2 – 2020-02-06
- Fix for DIVI editor
3.4.1 – 2020-01-28
- Removing manual fixes for Cookiebot when in auto
- Adjustments and updates to addons
3.4.0 – 2019-12-13
- Removing Cookiebot when in auto mode and the user is logged in and has a edit themes capability
- Adding filter for regexp for fixing embedded media
3.3.0 – 2019-11-09
- Fix for conflict with WPBakery Page Builder when Cookie blocking is in auto mode
- Fix for Elementor Extras causing JS errors in frontend when Cookie blocking is in auto mode
- Removing prepending of composer autoloader – causing conflicts with other plugins.
3.2.0 – 2019-10-29
- Adding fix for conflict with Elementor Page Builder when Cookie blocking is in auto mode
- Adding fix for conflict with Divi Builder when Cookie blocking is in auto mode (still need to disable Cookiebot on admin pages to work properly).
- Minor adjustments to code style and unit tests
3.1.0 – 2019-09-24
- Change option to hide cookie banner in WP Admin to instead disabling Cookiebot
- Set option to disable Cookiebot banner as default for new installs
3.0.1 – 2019-09-17
- Clean up setting page
- Fixing failing addons after plugin updates
3.0.0 – 2019-09-10
- Adding support for auto cookie blocking mode
2.5.0 – 2019-06-12
- Add support for custom regex for embed autocorrect
- Adding Cookie Declaration widget
- Remove support for PHP 5.4
2.4.4 – 2019-05-22
- Minor bugfixes in Embed Autocorrect addon
2.4.3 – 2019-05-16
- Fix bug in Embed Autocorrect addon.
2.4.2 – 2019-05-15
- Adding addthis addon
- Disable default autoupgrade
- Minor fixes
2.4.1 – 2019-03-19
- Fix jetpack related warning
2.4.0 – 2019-03-19
- Fixed bug resulting in some tags where not tagged
- Change Piwik addon to use output buffering
- Clean up redundant code in addons
2.3.0 – 2019-03-13
- Added GADWP addon
- Changes in file structure of plugin
2.2.2 – 2019-02-12
- Fix warning non-static call to get_cbid
2.2.1 – 2019-02-12
- Adding support for WPForms
- Add plugin deactivation hook for addons
2.2.0 – 2019-02-11
- Adding support for network wide settings on Multisite WordPress setups.
2.1.5 – 2019-01-17
- New addon: Custom Facebook Feed Pro
- Adding support for setting none, defer or async to Cookiebot script tags
2.1.3 – 2018-11-18
- New addon: Popups by OptinMonster
- Added support for grouping addons for different versions of same plugin
2.1.2 – 2018-11-06
- Auto correct addon added support for single quotes in iframe embeds
2.1.1 – 2018-11-02
- Updated addons with new tests and better plugin integration
2.1.0 – 2018-10-05
- Updated addons improved handling of tags
- Adding Basque as language option
- Remove .git files in addons
2.0.6 – 2018-09-26
- Updated addons to support newest version of CAOS
- Minor bugfixes and text adjustments
2.0.5 – 2018-09-21
- Added “Leave a review” admin notice
2.0.4 – 2018-09-18
- Added IAB Consent Framework option
- Update Cookiebot Addons
- Minor bugfixes
2.0.3 – 2018-08-10
- Removing informative message in admin_notice. Causing parse error for some users.
2.0.2 – 2018-08-01
- Quickfix – disable Script Config. Made trouble for some users.
2.0.1 – 2018-08-01
- Disable load of Addons if server runs PHP < 5.4.
- Fix placeholder in addons
2.0.0 – 2018-07-30
- Merge Cookiebot and Cookiebot Addons plugins. Cookiebot plugin now bundled with addons making other plugins GDPR compliant.
1.6.2 – 2018-06-21
- Fix check for WP Rocket.
1.6.1 – 2018-06-11
- Fixing shortcode when using WP Rocket
1.6.0 – 2018-05-30
- Support for removing cookie consent banner for tag manager users
- Support for multiple consent types in cookie_assist – eg. cookie_assist([‘marketing’,’statistics’]);
- Loading Cookiebot JS on admin pages too
- Adjusting help texts and adding links to demonstration videos.
1.5.1 – 2018-05-25
- Adjusting readme.txt including new video
1.5.0 – 2018-05-22
- Adding autoupdate for Cookiebot
1.4.2 – 2018-05-17
- Fix undefined $lang bug in shortcode output
1.4.1 – 2018-05-11
- Adjusting readme file
1.4.0 – 2018-05-10
- Adding support for specifying language of cookie banner
- Adding optional “lang” attribute to [cookie_declaration] shortcode
1.3.0 – 2018-04-29
- Bug fixed: Headers already sent when editing pages using shortcode
1.2.0 – 2018-03-28
- Updating readme file with more details
- Adding cookiebot_active helper function
1.1.2 – 2018-02-27
- Removing short array syntax to improve compatibility
1.1.1 – 2018-02-02
- Adjusting readme.txt
1.1.0 – 2018-02-02
- Adding data-culture to cookiebot script tags.
- Initial release of the plugin.