Plugin Tag: custom fields
Conditional Custom Fields Shortcode
(0 total ratings)Use custom field values in you pages or posts. With conditional supports which enables basic templating with custom fields.
Magic Fields 2 Toolkit
(3 total ratings)A toolkit for the Magic Fields 2 plugin for media oriented CMS web design by non programmers.
Supple Forms
(0 total ratings)Supple Forms – a CMS plugin for WordPress to create custom write panels, and format and insert values into Posts.
LIQUID TOOLS – Simple Custom Fields & Custom Post Types
(0 total ratings)Very simple tool to set up Custom Fields, Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies.
Debug Bar Post Meta
(2 total ratings)Very simple extention to the debug bar to get a list of post meta for the current post
Bogo translate ACF
(1 total ratings)This plugins works like a bridge between Bogo and Advanced Custom Fields to allow for translation of your Advanced Custom Fields with Bogo.
Meta Functions Shortcode
(0 total ratings)The “Meta Functions Shortcode” Plugin installs the Shortcode ‘meta’. With it you can access the custom fields of your articles by a shortcode.
JSM Show Comment Metadata
(1 total ratings)Show comment metadata in a metabox when editing comments – a great tool for debugging issues with comment metadata.
Custom Fields Missing When ACF is Active
(0 total ratings)Reverse missing Wordpress custom fields when ACF is activated.
Convert custom fields to custom taxonomies
(3 total ratings)The two major systems for adding data to posts in WordPress are custom taxonomies and custom fields. This plugin is useful to convert custom fields in …
ACF: MadMimi Audience List
(0 total ratings)A field for Advanced Custom Fields which allows you to select one or more of your MadMimi audience lists
Custom Query Fields
(0 total ratings)Extend your site's querying and sorting functionality using custom field values.
Plot Over Time
(1 total ratings)Uses the Google Chart Tools API for charting data in posts. Tracks up to 10 different data points, 4 chart types, & lots of customization.
WP Component
(1 total ratings)WP Component enable modular components for created beautiful content with custom fields