Plugin Tag: feeds
Civic Social Feeds
(0 total ratings)This plugin provides Wordpress administrators a configuration page to set up credentials for various social networks in order to access API’s and gets …
Feed Delay
(0 total ratings)Delay posts from being appear in the RSS feed immediately after publication.
(1 total ratings)AllTheContent is an importer for ATCML format. Get all your content imported into your Wordpress automatically.
Warcraft News
(1 total ratings)Shows news feeds of a World of Warcraft guild or World of Warcraft Character provided by the new armory in a widget, with caching.
Pandora Feeds for WordPress
(0 total ratings)Inspired by and building upon the great work of Jean-Paul Franssen, who developed a wordpress-sidebar-widget to display feeds coming from Pandora, I h …
Display Latest Feeds
(1 total ratings)Display latest feeds to your blog from any RSS Feeds accounts.
BuddyPress Group Twitter
(0 total ratings)Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group.
JSON Feeder
(0 total ratings)Adds a feed based on the standard that one can subscribe to or parse.
Notifixious Plugin
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to notify your readers on their Instant Messaging (AIM, MSN, GTalk, ICQ…), Email or SMS when you publish new posts! It also a …
(0 total ratings)WP-Walla is an plugin that allows you to get your checkins from Gowalla and present in sidebar as a widget.
(1 total ratings)Get and show posts from an other WP website which have installed the WP REST API and provide json feeds via the API
(0 total ratings)Lime is a wierd name for a plugin, but this plugin is no average plugin. You can Integrate with Google services like Google Analytics and Google Webma …
Separate Feed Comments and Trackbacks
(0 total ratings)Remove trackbacks from your sitewide and individual post comment feeds, and/or have alternate feeds for comments or trackbacks only.
Primal for WordPress
(2 total ratings)Engage your readers with great content that expresses your interests!
(0 total ratings)Feedme is a simple and powerful tool that will surely enhance any WordPress install. As feed readers become more advanced and are capable of handling …
Private Feed Key
(0 total ratings)Private Feed Key adds a 32bit (or 40bit) key for each of your users, creating a unique feed url for every registered user on the site.